It has been a long time since I posted anything here, if you were one of the 2 or 3 people looking for the nuggets of wisdom (or are they more like grapenuts?) the last few years have been quite eventful. One of the readers, a dear friend from long ago asked why I hadn't shared in so long, and so this missive from the missing man.
I have been keeping a journal lately, having a lot of time to reflect on life and what is really important to me. I retired in April. Earlier than I had planned, but a healthy decision when I think about the toll working and being away from my family was taking. Like any life decision there is a process, and for me that process was not unlike mourning. I went through the stages, I experienced the ups and downs that accompany a major life change, but I also found I needed to reassess, to look at what I HAD done. To recognize that all I ever wanted to do was to make a difference, and I believe I have.
Part of this process, and of the journal, has been to find a way to keep my center. To stay true to what I t believe, and to be the person I want to be. My mantra, simply stated comes down to; patience, kindness, forgiveness, and gratitude. If I can be grateful for each day, if I can be patient with myself and others, if I can consciously work to be kind whenever possible (it is always possible), and forgive others and myself, I can be the person I aspire to be. The past few years, while difficult, have sharpened that focus, to find that which is truly important, and to endeavor to make things better for others whenever possible.
Perhaps the greatest takeaway from all of this has to be more reflective. My five grandchildren are the greatest gift I could ever hope for. The health and success of my children makes me proud of them everyday. Terri and I are married 41 years now, even as I see many friends and colleagues divorce and separate. I am not spiritual enough to use the term blessed, but I am analytical enough to see that this has taken a lot of work.
I have a lot of work to do on me, next time I will speak of Spinoza.
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